Sunday, September 18, 2016

Vacation Beach House with Warm Environment

When spending a vacation in some places, we usually need to have the vacation space for living. Yeah, if you are in Currimundi Beach, Australia, it is better for us to get a look at the cutting edge vacation beach house called Currimundi Beach House. This house was designed by Loucas Zahos Architects and has been completed in 2012 as a contemporary beach house. The design is applied in irregular styles.

Here we are with the following images of the Currimundi Beach House. The vacation space building in Currimundi Beach is designed in two-story house with some sloping and sideway shape. It features the great cascading facades in the plaid pattern and also glasses facades. The construction includes the rich wood combinations for two levels. There is a cutting edge electrical bridge as a ship deck. This vacation beach house is also surrounded by the wide lawn and facing to the beautiful ocean views. The second building of this house is designed likely a staging house with beams constructions supporting. Some roofs are designed in prefabricated materials also.

Well, the decoration and appliances in this house are designed in surprising nuance. There is also some floor connecting made of the neutral beams with opened facades. They also apply some plants and flowers in the interior design to make more natural. The floor is stylized in rich wood applications. The wooden materials are also used to construct the glasses framing and also some furniture. As in the living room, they apply the rich wood couch for the gray velvet sofas with gray and green pillows. In front f the sofas, there is glass table with the dark wood couch. They also apply single interesting chandelier in three shapes.

The designs and details that are provided in this article will be great to be our inspiration in designing a cutting edge house. Therefore, get the vacation beach house more to get completed designs.

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